Beginners & Amateurs Guide
SQHA run many classes throughout the show season. For information on which classes you should compete in, refer to the below:
A beginner Youth or Adult is a competitor that satisfies the following criteria -
Has not won ANY performance event in an Open Amateur or Youth class at any A or AA Class SQHA or equivalent show where there were three or more entrants in a class per category. Eg. If a competitor wins open or amateur halter at an approved show they will still be eligible to compete in beginner ridden classes.
Has not won three times in that particular beginner event where there were three or more competitors. After a competitor has obtained three wins they are no longer eligible to participate in that particular beginners’ class.
Has not won a beginner Youth or Adult Annual High Point award.
After a beginner has obtained wins as above they are no longer eligible to participate in beginner classes in subsequent years. The competitor may continue to show in Beginner classes until the end of the points year.
Notwithstanding the above SQHA Committee reserves the right to use their discretion in determining the beginner status of any competitor.
Beginner Riders can ride ‘two handed’ regardless of the age of the horse or the type of bit used.
Beginner Riders are not to compete on colts or stallions
The SQHA committee highly recommend that all beginner competitors wear a helmet at all times when riding, in both the arena events and warm up areas, for both Adult and Youth riders.
Novice Amateur
You must have less then 20 points in each class and be a financial member of the Amateur division of your appropriate breed association and listed as a Novice Amateur. No Trainers
You must be between 18 years and 50 years of age and are a financial member of the Amateur division of your appropriate breed association. No Trainers
Select Amateur
Over 50 years of age and are a financial member of the Amateur division of your appropriate breed association. No Trainers
All above can enter these classes and so can professional trainers.